Heartbeats In Ink by Denise Mullinex is a collection of poems centered around love, happiness, hope, and perseverance. Mullinex uses metaphors drawn from celestial bodies, storms, and flames to symbolize the enduring nature of different kinds of love. The poems explore the joy of falling in love, as well as the growth of true and pure love, touching on topics like destiny and hope. The collection is not limited to romantic love, as it also covers love for life and dreams. The author mentions various other themes, including nature, ancestors, trials and adversities, and memories, and explores the embrace of sympathy, life's choices, peace, unity, and acceptance. Some of the poems describe a castle in the sky that travelers may discover and a brave woman who conquers all in the great unknown.
Heartbeats In Ink is a moving collection of poems that will make you feel the joy and pain of love. Denise Mullinex covers various aspects of love including crushes, and deep, everlasting bonds, and encourages people going through challenges never to give up but to hold on to hope through all circumstances. This empowering message will resonate with people who feel alone and are ready to abandon their dreams and goals. The poems are well-organized and easy to understand, with each one stirring your emotions and sparking your imagination. The author's comparison of celestial bodies and forces of nature to love conveys the idea that love is not only powerful but also capable of withstanding the test of time and obstacles. Overall, this is a great collection of poems that I enjoyed, and I cannot wait to read more from this author.
– Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers’ Favorite